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AreUReady - Surviving Small Business Disaster

  • Year: 2012
  • Author: Sandra Slatter & Anthony Turner
  • Publisher: Sandraa Slatter & Anthony Turner
  • Published Location: Melbourne Australia
  • Country: Australia
  • State/Region: Victoria

Thanks for these words from Dr Rob Gordon... This book will become an invaluable aid to preparing for disaster, and as the authors suggest, it may be unique of its type. The authors have struck a good mix of personal anecdote, research findings and professional observations to make the problems real but not overwhelming. They provide detailed examples to help in working out what needs to be done, explaining what the problems are and how they may be approached. While the book is certainly a manual to guide planning and preparation, more importantly, it is a wakeup call and a consciousness raising based on the hard work and sometimes painful experience of the authors, who have shared their stories and their learning in a frank and generous way. It was rewarding for me to work with them during the Black Saturday recovery and I believe this to be a unique and valuable contribution to arise out of that painful event. I recommend this book to everyone who runs a small business or any sort of enterprise that is worth protecting from destruction. Rob Gordon Ph.D. Consultant Psychologist in Disaster Recovery

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