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"I'd like to participate, but...": women farmers' scepticism towards agricultural extension/education programmes

  • Year: 2013
  • Author: Chrysanthi Charatsari, Majda Černič Istenič and Evagelos D. Lioutas
  • Journal Name: Development in Practice
  • Journal Number: Vol. 23, No. 4
  • Publisher: Taylor & Francis, Ltd.
  • ISBN: 09614524
This mixed research is inspired by our desire to explain why rural women are cautious in their attitudes towards agricultural extension/education. Fifty-two women livestock farmers from Thessaly-Greece were randomly selected to participate in the study. Our results indicate that at one end of the spectrum women express a high willingness to participate in agricultural extension/education programmes, while at the other end this willingness is not translated into participation mainly because of women's perception that agricultural extension/education constitutes a male dominated area. Another key determinant restricting women's participation arises from their low familiarity with education and the unpleasant experiences they recall from school.

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