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Social indicators for regional Australia

  • Year: 2000
  • Author: Bray, J R
  • Publisher: Department of Family and Community Services
  • Published Location: Canberra, ACT
  • Country: Australia

A range of social measures is examined in this paper in order to provide an insight into the relative outcomes of communities in different parts of Australia. It reviews all regions of the nation, and the characteristics of the location with respect to its urban form and its relationship with the state capital. Data from the 1996 Census are primarily used to discuss the following issues: demographic trends, including population growth, Indigenous Australians, migrants born in non English speaking countries, families, education, and mobility; labour force participation, including self employment, unemployment, long term unemployed, and families and employment; income distribution; housing, including home ownership and public housing; income support; community services in child care and after school services; disability employment services; socioeconomic status; capital cities and surrounding areas; towns and cities from 2000 to 40,000 people; and small towns and non urban areas.

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