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Families on the fringe: promoting the social inclusion of young families moving to non-metropolitan areas

  • Year: 2009
  • Author: Healy, Karen; Rawsthorne, Margot; Donnet, Amanda; Caniglia, Fiona; Hampshire, Anne; Michaux, Annette
  • Publisher: School of Social Work and Human Services, University of Queensland
  • Country: Australia
  • State/Region: New South Wales, Queensland

Thousands of  young Australian families have left major cities and relocated to the urban fringes of largecities, coastal areas, and mining towns. However, many of them can face social exclusion and disadvantage in their new areas. This report examines what motivates young families to relocate and the social exclusion they encounter. Qualitative surveys were undertaken with local service providers and young families, as will  as an analysis of population growth in four non-metropolitan areas of New South Wales and Queensland, comparing 2001 and 2006 census data. Chapters include: the evidence on the relocation of young families; reasons why people move to non-metropolitan areas; spatial disadvantage in Australia; population growth in Australia; participation in the local community; and factors associated with social exclusion. The report also looks at how policy makers and service providers might promote social inclusion and reduce disadvantage, including addressing the ?push? factors that have motivated young families to leave urban areas, such as a lack of affordable housing; improving planning, transport and service infrastructure in non-metropolitan areas; and building community capacity, such as through informal support networks and community activities.

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