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Training brokers: networks and outcomes in regional Australia

  • Year: 2001
  • Author: Kilpatrick, Sue; Bound, Helen
  • Journal Name: Australian and New Zealand Journal of Vocational Education Research
  • Journal Number: Vol.9, No.1
  • Country: Australia

Training brokers are a relatively new form of organisation in the training market. Their role is to match clients to appropriate training. This paper looks at various models of training broker arrangements, and explores the relationship developed among broker, provider and client. Differences in outcomes and processes of non- for- profit brokers and for-profit brokers are highlighted. The authors have developed a model of the different brokerage arrangements exploring contextual issues, values, cultures and networking arrangements amongst other factors. The differing outcomes for clients of not-for-profit and for-profit brokers suggest there is a case for public support of training to extend beyond delivery, to developing providers to be flexible, adaptable and understanding of client needs, and developing clients as informed, discerning and empowered consumers of quality vocational education and training.

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