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2010 State New Economy Index

  • Year: 2010
  • Author: ITIF (Information Technology and Innovation Foundation)
  • Journal Name: State New Economy Index
  • Publisher: ITIF (Information Technology and Innovation Foundation)
  • Published Location: Washington, United States
  • Country: United States

This report builds on four earlier State New Economy Indexes published in 1999, 2002, 2007, and 2008. The purpose of the State New Economy Index is to measure the economic structure of states. Unlike some reports, which assess state economic performance or state economic policies, this report focuses more narrowly on a simple question: To what degree does the structure of state economies match the ideal structure of the New Economy? For example, we know that a defining characteristic of the New Economy is that it is global. Therefore, the Index uses a number of variables to assess how globally linked a state's economy is.

Overall, the report uses twenty-six indicators, divided into five categories that best capture what is new about the New Economy: Knowledge jobs, Globalization, Economic dynamism, Transformation to a digital economy, and Technological innovation capacity.

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