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The importance of rural development in the 21st century: persistence, sustainability, and futures

  • Year: 2001
  • Author: Keller, J W
  • Editors: Rogers, M. F. and Coffins, Y. M. J.
  • Journal Name: The future of Australia's country towns
  • Publisher: Centre for Sustainable Regional Communities, La Trobe University
  • Published Location: Bendigo, Vic
  • ISBN: 1864465352
  • Country: Australia, North America, Europe

The author examines the elements essential to the successful rejuvenation and survival of country towns and communities. He refers to the effects of rural development in North America and Europe over recent decades and suggests that in order to successfully maintain and develop rural areas government policy, regional planners and the community itself must focus on and nurture the local character of the area. The key to survival and sustainability for Australian rural areas and country towns lies in each community's ability to maintain its sense of identity while accepting the profound disruption of economic and social change necessary to the regeneration of adequate levels of employment and income.

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