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Productivity analysis of key Commonwealth fisheries

  • Year: 2013
  • Author: Mary Stephan and Simon Viera
  • Publisher: Department of Agriculture ABARES
  • Country: Australia

The Productivity Analysis of Key Commonwealth Fisheries report is a publication that provides an indication of productivity trends for the Commonwealth's most valuable commercial fisheries. These trends reflect how well these fisheries use inputs to produce outputs. When viewed over time, productivity trends can assist in the evaluation of a fishery's economic performance.

Productivity trends generally reflect changes in the fishery's operating environment. For example, in recent years a number of factors are likely to have altered total factor productivity trends of key Commonwealth fisheries. These changes include the Securing our Fishing Future (SOFF) structural adjustment package for Commonwealth fisheries which concluded in 2006-07, the implementation of the Commonwealth Harvest Strategy policy (HSP) in 2007, and the subsequent management changes required by the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) to ensure sustainable and profitable fisheries. In recent years, fisheries have also faced adverse changes in market conditions, including adapting to high fuel prices and a high Australian dollar exchange rate.This report is funded by the Australian Government Department of Agriculture through the Fisheries Resources Research Fund (FRRF).

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