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Supermarkets, helping Australia grow.

  • Year: 2013
  • Author: R Hadler
  • Journal Name: Farm Policy Journal
  • Journal Number: Vol. 10 No. 1
  • Publisher: Australian Farm Institute
  • Published Location: Surry Hills
  • ISBN: 1449-8812
  • Country: Australia

The two major supermarkets are often attacked by farmers and food manufacturers for forcing down prices and abusing market power. However, the popular debate glosses over the complexities of the food and grocery supply chain and the positive contribution of the major supermarkets to the Australian economy. One popular myth is that supermarkets rip farmers off by paying them a slim proportion of what they charge consumers at the checkout.


New research confirms that farmers actually get a fair share of the retail price in many fresh produce and manufactured commodities, including milk. Another popular myth is that the major supermarkets import all their private label products. In fact, the opposite is the case. Over 96% of all fresh produce is Australian grown. We do this because our customers want Australian made products and we want to help Australian farmers and small businesses. The reality is that many of supermarket customers, suppliers and team members live in rural and regional Australia. This level of engagement drives a deep interest in the fortunes of rural and regional Australia and reinforces our commitment to growing our businesses in a sustainable way for rural and regional communities.

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