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Tenant Creek Region Economic Profile at a Glance

  • Year: 2013
  • Publisher: RDA Northern Territory
  • Country: Australia
  • State/Region: Darwin, Northern Territory

This economic snapshot of the Tennant Creek (Barkly) Region provides some facts about the region and highlights key aspects of the local economy and how it has changed over time.

Approximately three percent (6 682) of Territorians live in the Barkly region, an area of 303 295 square kilometres. The Region is known as the Golden Heart of the Territory, due to the
contribution the gold mining industry has made to the region. Today there continues to be much interest in gold exploration but mining production is limited to manganese.

The Barkly region produces an estimated 2.2 per cent ($400 million) of the Northern Territory Gross State Product. Of this, the largest industry sectors are mining ($127 million), agriculture, forestry and fisheries ($45 million) and construction ($35 million). ABS business data suggest six businesses contribute towards the largest sector in the region, which is mining.

Largest employment growth in the region over Census periods is recorded, in the electricity, gas, water and waste services sector, which has increased from 9 to 21 workers (133 percent) by 2011 Census. This sector is followed by mining, which has seen employment growth over this period by 113 percent (54 to 115 workers).

The average cost of a standard basket of goods in the Barkly District has gone down by 12.5 percent since 2011, despite overall perception that cost have increased.

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